The Destruction of Free Thought

The Destruction of Free Thought

I believe with my whole heart and my deductive mind, that the level of gross deliberate ignorance of the masses we are witnessing in the case of Jodi Arias is only the beginning of a mindset, sweeping across the entire globe like a plague that devours humanities ability to want to think for themselves & follow “en masse” towards the cliff edge. Paying not attention to the demise looming directly in front of them.

As the first group of them plummet over the edge, those in the rear keep yelling to move foreword.
Swept up in the momentum of a tumultuous sea of humanities ignorance. The strong under toe sweeps underneath the weak and easily influenced towards their impending doom.
As the last of them are swept over the edge, plunging to their deaths in ignorance and alleged bliss.

Those who had the strength, the Will and the fortitude to stop and take notice of the waters & chose to take the high ground on a firm mountain of solid rock, unmovable yet high enough to provide a vantage point to a 360 degree view

When the tide turns and ignorance returns, the mountain is always there, remaining staid in its purpose.

© Miss Pajama Girl 2014